Tuesday, July 26, 2005

start with the inside

I've been reading in Exodus 25 (or near there!), and God described to Moses how He wanted the tabernacle set up.

I half-remember a sermon on this ... and it was interesting -- in one section, when God talked about the actual tent, He described it in several layers, and He started with the inside layer, and worked His way out. It seemed backwards to me ... if I were going to describe the same thing, I think I'd start with the outside, and work my way in.

But to God, the interior was most significant ... it was where He would meet with His people. And with people, too, He's most concerned with our hearts and minds. Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart.

Got to the gym last night, and then had a wondeful swim ... it was VERY hot here yesterday, and the swimming pool was just begging for company. :)

Off to check out that new gym tonight.


1 comment:

Bill & Glory said...

You know, this is so true! We can spend all kinds of sweat and tears on our outer appearance, not just physical externals but visible attitudes and actions. But when it all comes down to it we need to be purified inside before we can live out our faith authentically.

Great blog!
