Tuesday, July 12, 2005


While in Utah last year on a white water rafting trip (oh, that was SO fun)I saw a fellow with magnetic letters all over his car. So you could re-arrange them and leave him notes. I bought a set of letters and stuck them to my car this afternoon.

I hope people get the idea and leave messages ... it's such a very-tidy Dutch community, that I have visions of people lining them up in alphabetical order in neat little rows. :)

I got to the gym last night. I'm noticing that the more muscled and sweatier the person, the less likely he/she will clean off the weight machines when finished. Maybe he/she thinks that their sweat is more hard-won, and therefore should be appreciated by others?

Not sure.

Yet another mystery for the non-athletic to puzzle over.

I was reading about the beginnings of Israel's journey away from Egypt. They had just crossed the red sea 3 days ago, and came to a spring with bitter water. God had Moses throw a tree into the water to make it fresh again. There's a Tree that will take our bitter hearts and make them sweet, too. It's only at the Cross that we can be changed.



Anonymous said...

Cute idea.
Anxious to see how it works out. Have never seen this before.

Carol L said...

Since we're thousands of miles apart, I can totally "borrow" your idea, right??? :D

Ew! I have a thing about sanitary conditions...now I remember why I don't do the gym! Ew, ew, ew!!!

That is so true! The cross is where the bitter experience of my life under the bondage of the fear of death was made sweet. And it gets sweeter still crucified with Christ, nevertheless living, yet the life that I now live is not my own. I've been bought with a price - a glorious, costly, beyond priceless price...

I so thank God for the cross of my Savior and King!!!

Trinka said...

Sure Carol ... borrow away. I borrowed it from some fellow in Utah. :)

The sanitary thing ... I agree. I know I need to BE at the gym, but it makes me want to soak in bleach afterwards!
