Thursday, August 04, 2005

pleasant summer sights ...

last night, while riding my bike home from prayer meeting ...

- two boys taking turns pulling each roller-bladed-other along the sidewalk with a rope

-a hummingbird buzzing around the geranium on my porch, until she saw me sitting there drinking my coffee this morning

-a much-needed summer rainstorm blowing in, during the same porch-coffee-drinking

The summer storm refreshes in so many ways. I've been praying for God to meet a certain need, and it's such a beautiful reminder to me of how un-limited He really is. Whether He gives, or with-holds, it's for good, and from love, and I can trust Him.

Another blessing ... having a beautifully spotless, no-white-goo in sight, kitchen.



Anonymous said...

You sound WAY to optimistic. There is always white goo... waiting for an inappropriate time to jump into the bottom of the fruit drawer of life.
"Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse."
-- annonymous (probably a father of five)

Trinka said...

what's the matter? gummy teething-crackers stuck to your shoes again this morning? :)


Bill & Glory said...

k.o'd's comment and your comeback got me LOL-ing this morning.

We are blessed, here. We're in the midst of a tremendously busy week but it's all such a priviledge to minister to others via fellowship and hospitality. I'll blog about it all on Monday, if nothing is happening, of course.
