I put some flowers in my window boxes yesterday, and I'm sitting here this morning just enjoying them like crazy. :) They look pretty spindley now, but I have high hopes for them. The little one in the bucket is a tomato plant. He and the hanging basket arrived last weekend.
They look so adorable! You're doing your best to bring a little bit of nature to your obviously urban life. You deserve a cookie for trying!
They do look cute! Just add a little flower food from time-to-time whenever you're watering them, and they'll do fine. Are they shade-loving?
Thanks Glory! :) It's sub-urban, really (these are the only tall buildings in the little town). But definately more urban than I'm used to! :)
Thanks for the tip Carol. Will flower food help the tomato too, or do I need to buy two different kinds? They're sun-loving - my condo faces west, so from early afternoon through the evening they get really hot sunshine.
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