Wednesday, October 26, 2005

off in my own little world

I got a walkman-type CD player to wear to the gym, and tried it out last night.

I really found myself enjoying the isolation of being swimming in my own little pool of music amidst the crowds. It cut down some on the hectic-ness of the gym atmosphere. Gonna keep doing this, I think. Now I just need to find some kind of belt or arm-band to hold the thing, so I'm not having to hang on to it the whole time!

Along the lines of music ... I was looking up some poems for Thursday's Bible study, and ran across this. I've tried to learn instruments, and to sing ... and while I can master the bare-bones-basics, I'm just not built to get much farther than that. There are so many nuances that are just lost on me. I appreciated this poem this morning! :)

To a Mute Musician

So music was ”left out” of your makeup.
You were just “not there”
When music was handed out.

It may be true
That you cannot sing, nor play an instrument.
Perhaps the mysteries of counterpoint and harmony
Will always be a closed book to you.

But I wonder
If that is all there is
To being a musician?
I think perhaps the violin
Is not conscious of the music
That lies hidden in its heart;
Yet countless multitudes
In the melodies that flow from it
When the Master takes the bow
And plays upon it.

I wonder
If you may not have lived
Closer to the Master of all Music
Than you know.
You have allowed Him to take
Life’s dissonances,
And in you to resolve them
Into celestial concord.

You may not hear
The music that He makes;
Yet others hear the song
And bring Him praise.

One day
I think you will take your place
Among the truly great musicians
Of His court;
For you,
Who may not know earth’s music,
Have learned the Song
Of heaven.

-- E. Margaret Clarkson

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