Monday, October 17, 2005

excuse me ... toledo?

When visiting skinheads are the well-manned people in town, you've got serious issues.

Heard on the news over the weekend,
"there were out-of-towners instigating things."

Know what? No amount of instigation would cause me to knock down the doors on an old man's house. No amount of instigation would make me think, "hey, let's throw bricks at this ambulence window."


Wouldn't happen.

"But you don't know what it is to live in poverty, and be looked down on."

You might be surprised. :)

Nevertheless ... no temptation to trash my neighborhood or hurt old, sick people.


Trinka said...

Check your mail on MeetChristians. :)


Anonymous said...

For those of us who have a banjo playing in the background and don't get the news from Toledo, can you send a link or something?
(My special blog word was "acere")