Friday, June 24, 2005

speaking of accountability ...

Got to the gym last night, and swam for a bit after the pool emptied.

Sounds very righteous, doesn't it.

However, there's also the entire bag of cookies & two cupcakes I ate.

Not so righteous.

groan. And I don't have the foggiest idea why I did such a ridiculous, self-destructive thing! A good friend who's been through a twelve-step program suggested I write a moral inventory about it (basically, how did you feel before you did it, during doing it, and after doing it), and keep track of the situations that surround odd decisions like this. So I did that last night, and I'm going to see if I can see any patterns in these situations.

As far as reading, I had a good time in Exodus last night & this morning.

I noticed that when Moses killed the Egyptian and was then called on the carpet by the two Jews afterwards, that they said something rather odd ... (Exodus 2:14) "Who made you a prince or a judge over us? Are you intending to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?" Then Moses was afraid and said, "Surely the matter has become known."

Actually, Moses WAS a prince at that point ... or the closest thing to it. No devotional thoughts have occurred to me yet, but it did strike me as an unusual detail.

Found a Kirby vacuum cleaner with all the attachments at a garage sale yesteray for $25. People with long hair are VERY hard on vacuums. It's noisy, so I'm going to take it to my favorite vacuum-repair place (due to the above-mentioned long-hair situation, I'm on very good terms with the vacuum-repair people!). But, good grief, if I can get it fixed cheap, I'm going to be one VERY happy lady! It is a 1979 model (evidenced by the fact that it comes with a super-deluxe shag-carpet-combing attachment) ... but I think that Kirbies last about forever, so I have high hopes.

This is the first vacuum I've ever bought. My mom is on a constant search for the perfect vacuum cleaner, and hence I inherit all of her less-than-perfect ones. She recently bought a (new, snazzy) Kirby for herself, though, so I think that the continual flow of replacement vacuums has come to a close. So it's time for me to get one that I can't kill. :)

Anyhow, have a great weekend everyone.
I'm off to re-wean myself off sugar and hopefully get some shelves put up.


Carol L said...

I wouldn't know what to say to you in that situation with the sugar as I can't say I have, by any means, conquered in that area. What I do now is I check myself, and if sugar becomes a craving, I sort of tell myself something like, 'Maybe tomorrow or Friday' and see if it still stays around. So far, I've been able to not have it completely dominate my thoughts this way. It seems that as long as I give myself an answer about it rather than trying to shove it down or sweep it under the carpet, so to speak, I can see a way to keep it from controlling me so much.

At this point, I have not totally committed to eating no sugar for the rest of my life, and it doesn't seem that the Lord is dealing with me to do so at this point. I have, however, mentioned to Him that I am open to His leading there if He does choose to do a work there.

And I don't entirely take sweet things out of my diet. That helps me keep from binging also. And what I do is things like drinking tea sweetened with Stevia leaf extract - that type of thing. Stevia leaves are naturally sweet, but the kind of sugar it is doesn't overwork the pituitary gland. Sweet n Low is the same way; that's why diabetics can use it. The only thing is, Stevia is from a real, God-made plant, whereas, Sweet n Low is manmade. The more we can stay away from manmade foods and stick more with God-made foods the better.

Another thing I've started doing is making a drink with honey, and I seem to be drinking it daily. I put in about a tablespoon of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and approximately 2 teaspoons of honey and fill up the cup with water. It's very healthy and has a pleasant taste. Raw, unfiltered cider vinegar is an entirely different substance than the clear stuff you buy at the grocery store. It tastes wonderful, too, mixed in with an expeller pressed, healthy oil, such as sunflower, safflower, or canola; add a little bit of olive oil (olive oil by itself is a little too intense), I add Celtic French Atlantic sea salt (which is also unprocessed, natural salt as it comes right out of the ocean in a reasonably uncontaminated area), and freshly ground pepper.

Every once in a while, I'll even buy sugar-free cookies, but I make sure they are sweetened only with maltitol when I buy them. Maltitol is the only thing that tastes halfway decent when it comes to sugar-free desserts and treats.

Here I am going on and on...I'm sorry, Trinka.

Look, don't be too hard on yourself. What's done is done. Just ask the Lord to help you do it differently next time and to give you wisdom when the situation comes up again - and it will come up again. He is a very present help in trouble, and He will give you wisdom.

Yeah, Moses was a prince over them because Egypt ruled over them at that time, and he was being raised up to be a judge over them. And he was getting a foretaste of the attitude he would have to deal with from the moment he would put his hand to the plow to follow God and deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt until the day he would die.

Carol L said...

Oops, on the raw cider vinegar mixed with oil...that's for salads,

Trinka said...

Thanks Carol - for your encouragement, and for your suggestions.

I'm VERY glad you posted the second comment ... I was starting to think you were drinking that second recipe too ... sounded a wee bit unpleasant as a beverage. :)