Tuesday, June 21, 2005

choosing the "wrong" son

I was reading about the end of Jacob's life, when he blesses Joseph's sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Jacob gave the firstborn's blessing to Ephraim, the youngest son.

Just like Jacob received the firstborn's blessing from HIS father, instead of Esau. (though then it was by deception.)

God does that over and over again ... chooses the son that doesn't seem logical to us. He picks the second-born, the weakest, etc. I want to remember to look at the lineage of Christ ... I'm wondering how many firstborn sons are actually in there.

1 Corinthians 1:27 - "but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong"

Hey, He even picked ME ... who can fathom it?

I added anoither 12 pounds to the weights I'm lifting last night. This morning, my arms don't want to move. Any volunteers to carry my purse? :) I'm so thankful for this little wrist-wrest in front of my computer keyboard!



Carol L said...

Yeah, and David was waaaay down the line and so not a candidate in man's mind - so much so that his dad didn't even bring him out in the line-up when Samuel came a-callin' to anoint one of his sons to be the next king of Israel.

And, yeah, I've been looking over my life a lot lately and thinking about that scripture revealing how God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wisdom of men...*sigh*...yeah, oh me, oh my...

I'm so glad He picked me, though. I love Jesus! I love being His! I love what His shed blood has done. I love being cleansed by His precious blood. There's just nothing like that clean on the inside as the blood of Jesus touches my life. Nothing and no one compares to Jesus!

Trinka said...

Amen to that Carol. Thank you for posting - you are a blessing!


Anonymous said...

Isn't that just the thing? The firstborn may deserve it, desire it, and even require it, but it isn't always their 'right'.

Think about Joseph. He wasn't Jabob's eldest either. He went through so much, but still received the blessing.

I bet Joseph's brothers were willing to change places with Joseph after what they did to him.

I like to think of Zacchius (sp?). Maybe it is because I am short. Then there is the widow that put in her mite's worth. Then there is the harlot that washed Jesus' feet with her hair.

You know what it is? Our heart. Do we expect it? Do we know it is coming and just sit idly by? Or do we give it all... even it is only a mite's worth?

From one weaker vessel to another,
Je t'aime