Friday, June 17, 2005

killing your darlings

I had a college writing workshop where the teacher used that phrase often ... "you've got to kill your darlings."

He meant that when we looked at our writing, the things we were most proud of were probably the weakest and most in need of serious revision.

It's like that in our life too! A sermon I heard in 1988 continues to bless me, and it ties in with what I've been reading lately -- particularly Jacob's response when Joseph asked to have Benjamin brought before him to prove the brothers' story.

Jacob wouldn't even consider it. He had lost Joseph, and he was NOT going to lose that other boy.

Yet there was a famine, and the only way they could go back and buy more food from Joseph (who was unknown to them at this point) was if they brought Benjamin along.

"NO," says Jacob, "It will not happen."

But they got more and more hungry.

When we hold onto something tightly, God will bring a hunger into our life and it will grow progressively worse, until we loosen our grip, and give our "darling" to Him.

It was when Jacob finally loosed his grip, and sent Benjamin away, that he had BOTH his sons restored to him ... Benjamin AND Joseph.

God is no man's debtor ... He will more than repay us for whatever "darling" we give to Him. Most of all, He will reward us by satisfying the hunger.

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, [and for the Author of it!] for they shall be satisfied." Mt 5:6

Lifted weights last night, and had a walk. Most of all ... I got through VBS without raiding the not-so-good-for-you food. God is good. He provided a multitude of distractions at just the right times.

Looking forward to a relaxing trip to the lake, and a little Bible study over the world's best Mexican food with M.B.

Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

Carol L said...


Nope. No words. Being right in the thick of giving up and killing many darlings, there just are no words - except this...

Jesus is our exceeding great reward.

Carol :)