Tuesday, April 04, 2006

pre-trip paranoia ...

Yesterday I brought my passport to work - I like to have a copy of it, as well as all the credit cards I'm bringing.

I also brought a guidebook from the library - I wanted copies of a few pages to bring along.

On the way home from work, I dropped all the books back off at the library.

2:00 this morning ... from a sound sleep ... I begin having this conversation with myself:

"did I leave the passport tucked inside the library book?"

"of course you didn't, you goofy woman."

"but what if I did?"

"you didn't"

"but what if I did?"

... wake up ... shuffle out to living room ... find passport ...

"now go back to sleep"




Clifford Jeffery said...

Strange. I woke up at 11:22 and realized the story I handed in an hour before did not have a lead on it. I'd written the whole thing, about 600 words, expecting to put my lead sentence on after I wrote my conclusion. And I never wrote it. I had to go call the desk and read my lead over the phone. I don't know about you, but this sort of stuff happens to me ALL THE TIME!
I'm thankful when I catch a mistake like last night. But more often, it is 2 a.m. and the paper's been put to bed. I need a new drug, one that helps me sleep at night. Something called, like "Clearall" that will wipe all vestige of the previous day from my brain.

Carol L said...
