Wednesday, March 22, 2006

one day, I'll learn to love spontaneity!

Because opportunity to develop it seems to appear regularly. :)

As I'm in a last-minute panic trying to get everything done to get out of town this afternoon to see my brother & sister-in-law (and the adorable nieces) ...

Yesterday afternoon my dad offers me a trip to Milan April 5-11.


"I mean"

"Let me check"

"I mean"

Oh dear ...

"Let me see if anyone can work for me."

"I mean"


So, the last-minute I'm-going-out-of-town-today panic is joined by last-minute, I-want-to-go-out-of-the-country-in-two-weeks panic.

I'm so glad I don't have to work with me today. :)

I had a big job on the copy machine that needed to be taken off the sorter every 10 copies. It's been done for a half hour, but I keep wandering in there to check it.

"FOCUS Trinka. FOCUS."

So ... can anyone work for me April 5-11?




Carol L said...

Gee, I'd love to, but I've got a job n stuff. Thanks for the offer though!

I prayed for the person who IS to work for you to materialize by the supernatural power and ability of God, though.

Anonymous said...

Veins are supposed to be on the outside of muscles so nurses can get at them. Rachel