Thursday, February 02, 2006

THIS is why I don't get anything done in the evenings ...

I was working on a project, and needed to print out about 40 CD labels.

I was fighting for almost an hour to get them to print.

"STUPID stuff … this printer ALWAYS works well, and now it’s flat-out refusing to do anything."

Complain complain complain

Troubleshoot troubleshoot troubleshoot


Realize the printer isn’t plugged into the computer.

Oh. Ok. I guess there is THAT.

DUMB!!!! (and tired too)

1 comment:

Carol L said...

A nice spot 'o tea ought'ta take care of the messy business! Translate on over to SD, and I'll brew you up a pot. :) :)

Have an awesome, Jesus-filled weekend!

Love ya,
Carol L. :)