Sunday, February 12, 2006

I am a criminal

Tonight, I was going through my receipts, checking my budget, paying bills, etc.

Well, I get to the last receipt in the pile - from a gas station I visited Monday the 6th.

Well ... look at THAT. They charged me for the soda, and NO GASOLINE. Yikes!

I am a drive-off.

I didn't MEAN to be a drive-off.

They know me. They always glance out, see where I'm parked, and charge it to my credit card. EXCEPT last Monday. I called the station just now, and they didn't have a record of it, but the manager is supposed to call me tomorrow.

Groan. Some poor clerk was probably in hot water, and for all I know, the state police are looking for me!

Glad I live close enough to work that I can walk, when they pull my license!

Exercise: Got to the gym and a walk Saturday, and a walk again today.

Had a lovely time in the Scriptures today. God is so good to meet with me, when I'm so often lazy in meeting with Him.


Carol L said...

I'm sure the bail will be reasonable and that someone will be willing to bail you out, lol!

Actually, I'm sure - as I'm sure you probably are too - that it's all going to work out fine with no one getting fired (unless they were already on their way out) and going to jail.

I fully believe that God's got your back!

Clifford Jeffery said...

Carol is such an optimist.
What's really going to happen is, they will refuse to take the money, but then three months down the road, they will press charges. The next time you get stopped for speeding, the officer will take you away in handcuffs.