Saturday, September 17, 2005

no reading ... no exercise .... but Thai food was great

Well, I did get to the gym Thursday, but yesterday? Not so much. :) After work I went with T. to run errands, test drive an Ion, and then out for Thai food. (If I was ever to actually pursue cooking with any dilligence, I'd love to learn to make Thai food.)

I loved the car. A fellow from church had brought out an Aveo for me to try yesterday morning. And I liked it. But the Ion? Definately loved it. :) However, the price was a bit steeper than I'd been led to believe (the .9% financing wasn't available on 2006 models, and the 2005s were gone.)

So, the car purchase is likely postponed for a while, unless the salesman's able to combine some discounts for me. (I'm eligible for more than one, and I doubt they can be used together ... but you never know!) I sent him an e-mail this morning asking about it, so we'll see. (the dragonfly green color I loved so much on the 2005s has transitioned to a cypress green that I like even better. I do love it when I can get a car in a non-flashy color other than white, black or grey).

As far as reading, ok ... "none" is a bit extreme. But not much. I was looking at 1 Peter, and thinking about the idea of "resting our hope fully on grace."

There are so many other things on which I'm tempted to rest my hope. But all those things are eventually going to fail me. But God's grace is secure, and I can trust it forever.


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