Friday, September 30, 2005
on being critical
However, since eating hasn't been appealing, I've dropped weight, so I won't complain too strenuously.
I was reading in 1 Peter 1 this morning,
22 Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart,
23 for you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God.
We're to love one another with sincerity, fervency, and from a pure heart (as it says in the KJV).
It's a good reminder to me, as I see a tendency toward being critical ... and this is NOT the person I want to be! I may have said it here before, but I was struck by the idea (which I read somewhere ... can't remember where) that being critical is really slaping God's face. When I criticize another Christian, I'm saying that God hasn't worked in their life in the way I think best. That's a little silly, isn't it? Yet it's a perspective that's all-too-easy to fall into!
He's God. I'm not. Need to keep that in mind!
Going up north to pick up a friend Sunday. It's supposed to be a beautiful day for a drive, and I'm still in the honeymoon phase with that new car, so I'm looking forward to it!
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
back to work
Statistics about my days off:
# of trips to the gym: 2
# of days without exercise: none!
# of things crossed off my "to-do list": none :( Not so thrilled about that last one!
However, quite a few unexpected things came up that required large chunks of time, and the days off allowed that, so it was a blessing.
I bought a new Saturn and sold my Cavalier ... which required considerable running here & there for several days. The price came through at less than he had quoted me, and I discovered that full coverage on this car is nearly the same price that PLPD was on the old one ... what a blessing! Hope to snap a picture of myself with the new car, and post it some time soon.
I had the pastor-candidate and his wife over for brunch, and that took a lot of time in the preparation stage. (I always choose to have people for brunch, under the assumption that I can't ruin it ... proved THAT one wrong!). :)
I was reading in Lev. 21, and thinking about the criteria for the high priest's wife.
10 ‘The priest who is the highest among his brothers, on whose head the anointing oil has been poured and who has been consecrated to wear the garments ...
13 ‘He shall take a wife in her virginity.
14 ‘A widow, or a divorced woman, or one who is profaned by harlotry, these he may not take; but rather he is to marry a virgin of his own people,
15 so that he will not profane his offspring among his people; for I am the LORD who sanctifies him.’"
The Lord Jesus is our "great high priest." And the church is considered His bride. Yet we constantly turn aside to other lovers, and were anything BUT virgins when He chose us.
Yet He creates that IN us, even though it's not there to begin with!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
well that's done

Ordered the car yesterday, and it may be here by this weekend. Yikes!
The p.m., pessimistic Trinka was in a bit of a flurry last night. But really ... so much of the p.m. Trinka's thinking is motivated by fear (as opposed to prudence). I told her she gets to clamp down as tight as she wants on the budget for the next few years, and she felt LOTS better. :)
Got to the gym last night, and (though I'm hesitant to say it too loudly) it appears that I've reversed the gaining-weight trend. The last 3 days or so, the numbers have turned the other direction. Whew! I was starting to get concerned. Just gotta keep a closer watch on those calories.
My siser-in-law has been running - I'm so proud of her! I've done little bits here & there to give some variety to my walks, but I think she's inspiring me (especially now that the weather's turning cooler). They're taking my little niece also, and at 2, she's learning to love exercise. What a wonderful way to start out in life. I devloped an early passion for books that I wouldn't trade for anything ... but I do wish it was matched by a passion for physical activity.
I've been reading in 1 Peter as I prepare for the ladies' Bible study, and 1:13 has been on my mind. It talks about girding your mind ... grabbing hold of your thoughts, and putting them where they ought to be. It's such a good reminder. When we control our thinking, our actions, feelings, attitudes and reactions all follow along behind.
Along the same idea, 2 Corinthians 10:5:
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
Read this today (my apologies for the weird line breaks ... don't know how to fix it!) :
You've got to admit, some of our hearts are trashed out. Let any riffraff
knock on the door, and we throw it open. Anger shows up, and we let him in.
Revenge needs a place to stay, so we have him pull up a chair. Pity wants to
have a party, so we show him the kitchen. Lust rings the bell, and we change
the sheets on the bed. Don't we know how to say no?
Many don't. For most of us, thought management is, well, unthought of.
We think much about time management, weight management, personnnel management, even scalp management. But what about thougth maangement? Shouldn't we be as concerned about managing our thoughts as we are managing anything else?
Jesus was. Like a trained soldier at the gate of a city, he stood watch over his mind. He stubbornly guarded the gateway of his heart ...
If He did, shouldn't we ...?
Monday, September 19, 2005
the vacation cometh
Saturday our local roller rink had free skating in the afternoon. I went with a family from church, and had a ball! It's the kind of thing I don't think to do on my own, but really enjoyed it. Though I do wish people would get the idea of the "new skaters on the outside" thing. It seems like I was always fighting to avoid squishing some poor little one who'd fallen in front of me!
Also got in a walk Saturday, and another Sunday. And moved furniture on top of that. I tried switching where my dining room and office were - I kinda like it because now I can look out the slider from my desk. When the days start to get shorter, I want to capture as much light as I can.
I've been reading in 1 Peter, preparing for tonight's ladies' Bible study.
One of the fellows I read had some great thoughts on the idea of election/free will - very balanced, which I like!
Haven't heard back from the Saturn salesman. I'm thinking that most salespeople prefer phone or face to face. I, on the other hand, am VERY fond of e-mail. :) That's OK ... it gives me more time to think.
This car issue definately proves to me that I have two distinct personalities - one a.m. and one p.m.
In the morning, I'm optimistic and liberal - "sure I want to buy that car. The money will work out. It will be great!"
At night, I'm pessimistic and conservative - "nope ... too much money ... make do with what you've got. don't risk it!"
Now, if I can just decide which time of day to MAKE the decision, I'll do well!
Saturday, September 17, 2005
no reading ... no exercise .... but Thai food was great
I loved the car. A fellow from church had brought out an Aveo for me to try yesterday morning. And I liked it. But the Ion? Definately loved it. :) However, the price was a bit steeper than I'd been led to believe (the .9% financing wasn't available on 2006 models, and the 2005s were gone.)
So, the car purchase is likely postponed for a while, unless the salesman's able to combine some discounts for me. (I'm eligible for more than one, and I doubt they can be used together ... but you never know!) I sent him an e-mail this morning asking about it, so we'll see. (the dragonfly green color I loved so much on the 2005s has transitioned to a cypress green that I like even better. I do love it when I can get a car in a non-flashy color other than white, black or grey).
As far as reading, ok ... "none" is a bit extreme. But not much. I was looking at 1 Peter, and thinking about the idea of "resting our hope fully on grace."
There are so many other things on which I'm tempted to rest my hope. But all those things are eventually going to fail me. But God's grace is secure, and I can trust it forever.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
From a practical, protect-everyone-from-germs standpoint, I know these rules had a purpose. But it's also a picture of sin ... and the grievous implications of even a small transgression! Even the tiniest spot of leaprosy required drastic action. Yet, when it completely covered the person's body, they could be considered clean! Sin is such a serious business that even a tiny bit condemns us ... yet it's when we realize that we're altogether sinful that we find hope for healing ... by trusting in Christ's deliverance instead of our own.
From John Newton's Olney Hymnal:
Oft as the leper's case I read,
My own described I feel;
Sin is a leprosy indeed,
Which none but Christ can heal.
2. Awhile I would have passed for well,
And strove my spots to hide;
Till it broke out incurable,
Too plain to be denied.
3. Then from the saints I sought to flee,
And dreaded to be seen;
I thought they all would point at me,
And cry, Unclean, unclean!
4. What anguish did my soul endure,
Till hope and patience ceased?
The more I strove myself to cure,
The more the plague increased.
5. While thus I lay distressed, I saw
The Savior passing by;
To him, though filled with shame and awe,
I raised my mournful cry.
6. Lord, thou canst heal me if thou wilt,
For thou canst all things do;
O cleanse my leprous soul from guilt,
My filthy heart renew!
7. He heard, and with a gracious look,
Pronounced the healing word;
I will, be clean - and while he spoke
I felt my health restored.
8. Come lepers, seize the present hour,
The Saviour's grace to prove;
He can relieve, for he is pow'r,
He will, for he is love.
Exercise-wise ... I got to the gym last night and lifted weights, and am REALLY feeling the results today. I'm feeling a bit let down at how much work I'm putting into this whole enterprise, and how little results I'm seeing.
However, I did notice last night that the pretty, skinny girls are almost universally lifting 2 to 3x LESS weight than I am.
I'm quite shocked, actually.
I might never be tiny ... but at least I'll be able to open my own peanut-butter jars. :)
Monday, September 12, 2005
some new pavement to ride on
Yes ... I know ... "bicycles should ride on the road."
So ... from henceforth, sidewalks along busy roads will be known as "bike paths."
There. Doesn't that feel better? :)
I know I'LL feel LOTS better when the cement is dry, and I can use it!
Got in a nice walk and a swim last night. The pool is closing for winter today, so it was a treat to have a warm night, with a beautiful half-moon to swim in yesterday. The boisterous types didn't leave the pool until 8:30, but once they did, it was lovely!
I'm working on the 1 Peter study for tonight. The ladies haven't gotten their books yet, so they aren't ready to look at the first chapter, so I think I'll do a short devotional on Peter. I've been thinking about his influence on Mark's life ... how one who knows failure up close & personal can be an encouragement to another who's experiencing it!
Here's a poem from the Olney Hymnal, written by John Newton (the man who wrote Amazing Grace)
When Peter boasted, soon he fell,
Yet was by grace restored;
His case should be regarded well
By all who fear the Lord.
A voice it has, and helping hand,
Backsliders to recall;
And cautions those who think they stand,
Lest suddenly they fall.
He said, “Whatever others do,
With Jesus I’ll abide;”
Yet soon amidst a murd’rous crew
His suff’ring Lord denied.
He who had been so bold before,
Now trembled like a leaf;
Not only lied, but cursed and swore,
To gain the more belief.
While he blasphemed he heard the cock,
And Jesus looked in love;
At once, as if by lightning struck,
His tongue forbore to move.
Delivered thus from Satan’s snare
He starts, as from a sleep;
His Savior’s look he could not bear,
But hasted forth to weep.
But sure the faithful cock had crowed
A hundred times in vain;
Had not the Lord that look bestowed,
The meaning to explain.
As I, like Peter, vows have made,
Yet acted Peter’s part;
So conscience, like the cock, upbraids
My base, ungrateful heart.
Lord Jesus, hear a sinner’s cry,
My broken peace renew;
And grant one pitying look, that I
May weep with Peter too.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Labor Day weekend

Well ... I'm home and have my desk cleared off to the point where I can make a quick post!
I spent the long weekend in eastern Pennsylvania at my dad & step-mom's house with my brother, sister-in-law, and two sweet nieces.
I would post pictures of them (I did come home with 288 ... almost qualifying myself for honorary grandparent status). :) But, since creepy stuff still happens online, posting pictures of cute children feels not-so-good ... so instead I'll put one up of the lovely view off the deck. Coming from Michigan, being able to see hills is a constant wonder to me. :)
As is typical of vacations, I ate more than I should, and exercised less than I should. But I'm back on the bandwagon yesterday and today.
I've been reading in 1 Peter, in preparation for the study that begins Monday. I was talking with a friend last night, and enjoying thinking about the author of the book. The last thing the Lord said to Peter before the cross was "put down your sword." And His last words to him after the cross were, "feed my sheep."
We sure see that in this book! Peter writes from the perspective of humility and gentleness, seeking to shepherd the sheep God had given him. It's so easy for me to pick up the sword, instead of feeding sheep! I apprecited, too, the exhortations in the book to hospitality and loving the brethren ... much more conducive to sheep-feeding than sword-wielding!
Sat next to a lady from P.E.T.A. at the Philadelphia airport. Fascinating, really, to talk to someone from the extreme opposite political position!
Thankful I wasn't wearing a leather coat ...
Friday, September 02, 2005
better day ...
Then had a great visit with T., whose job involves managing actual people (I just have to get all the "stuff" where it needs to be, and when). She's a help to me with dealing with difficult folks!
This morning, got to give a reference for a friend for a job she's applied for. I just LOVE giving references. :)
OK - off to find a long weekend. See you next week!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
terrible, awful, really-bad day
However, neither chocolates nor the neck massage is going to happen, so I'd better pull myself together.
We had a tragic accident happen last Tuesday involving one of our families. Some are hospitalized, and one is with the Lord, and the funeral will be next Tuesday.
Which, coincidentally, is the last day of the long weekend when I've planned to be away at my dad's.
I have a substitute working for me that day.
But she doesn't want to miss the funeral.
My job is being a support person, filling in the gaps behind the scenes during things like funerals.
Feeling so frustrated, and irritated, and just wanting to bag it, and stay here so things are done right, but at the same time, there are those already-paid-for plane tickets.
tired, tired, tired!!!!
no exercise yesterday ... crises-related phone calls all day, afternoon & evening, then prayer meeting. Maybe no exercise today, if I can talk T. into a Taco Bell and a nice long visit. She's practical, used to dealing with difficult people, and will help me get my attitude back into a more spiritual condition.