Tuesday, December 13, 2005

highly collectible

Tell me ... do you find this phrase appealing?

Would you want to purchase something that was "highly collectible"?

I'm seeing it a LOT lately, and it brings to mind tribbles ... remember them from the old Star Trek series? Get one, and you end up with hundreds ... spilling out of doors, hiding in your shoes, etc.

So whenever I see the phrase, I just want to run away, before the "highly collectible" stuff attaches itself to me, and starts multiplying in corners of my house.

Clutter = "bad thing"



Carol L said...

Yeah, highly collectible is definitely a heads up for trouble.

You never did mention what highly collectible was referring to, though . . .

Love ya,
Carol :)

Clifford Jeffery said...

She used to have a problem with plastic horses. She had boxes full of em.
I hear you never really recover from an addiction like that.

Trinka said...

Hey boy, at least I didn't escalate to accumulating REAL horses (though that might be due to finances, rather than judgement). :)