Friday, May 20, 2005

What do athletic-types DO?

My intention was to go to the gym last night. It really was.

But a friend called, and wanted to visit. By the time I left, it was 9:00.

So there's the dilemma - do I want to feel like a failure for not exercising, or feel like a failure for not making a friend a priority when she wants to talk?

How do naturally-athletic types manage this particular situation? I have NO idea. But I do know that this kind of thing snowballs in my life, and after a few days of it, I'm back to spending all my free time with a book and a bag of oreos!

I was reading in Genesis 21 this morning -- where Abraham sends Hagar and Ishmael away. There was so much pain in this fellow's life -- living for God is not always an easy road! But he also had the Lord's promise that Ishmael would be blessed (earlier, and repeated here).

This incident would be almost a dress rehearsal for when the Lord would later ask him to be willing to sacrifice Isaac. Would he trust God with what was dearest to him?

What are today's trials preparing us for? If I face them with Him, and trust Him, I'll be ready.

Looking forward to a pleasant weekend - might go to an open house for a young fellow from church, an ice cream social at the condos (NO ice cream eating allowed ... I'll report back Monday!), and an offroad derby tomorrow night, if the weather is good. Don't know exactly what an offroad derby IS ... but I like demo derbies, and I hope it's similar.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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