Tuesday, December 30, 2008

a conversation from the Alamo desk at the Orlando Airport

When I went away a couple weeks ago, I got into Orlando about 9:00 p.m. I'm a morning person, so my brain doesn't fire on all cylinders at night.

I went to the Alamo counter to pick up a car ...

Alamo guy: "Where is your destination?"

Me: "Paisley, Florida"

Alamo guy: "and what part of Florida is that in?"

Me: "I don't know."

Alamo guy: "do you know what major city it's near?"

Me: "Nope."

Alamo guy ... obviously frustrated: "Ma'am ... how do you intend to GET there?"

At the time I was picking up the van, I wasn't particularly thinking about its use as a vehicle ... I was just looking forward to using it for a nap until my brother & his family's flight got in about midnight.

I had a GPS in my suitcase, and was counting on that to get me to my dad's house ... so I hadn't even looked at a map to see where I was going.

However, I realized that it must have sounded a bit odd to poor Alamo-guy ... I'm renting this car, and have absolutely no idea where I'm taking it. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's funny. I went to a car rental place in Portland OR, once and as usual, was using every brain cell I could to stay on top of things. I felt so sorry for two young guys ahead of me who were picking up their car and thought they were going to drive out of the Phoenix, Arizona airport.