Saturday, November 08, 2008

thoughts on grocery store etiquette

I've once again been reminded why I avoid stores ... and particularly why I avoid stores on Saturdays.

Wouldn't it seem reasonable that, if a person wanted to chat with 5 or 6 friends, it would be pleasant to find a nice coffee shop somewhere? The appeal of gathering in a wagon-train-style circle, surrounded by grocery carts, blocking all traffic down supermarket aisles ... well ... it's one I just don't understand.

And I do hope that one day, I will have a life that is leisurely enough that I would be inclined to wander slowly through a store, casually looking over the merchandise in case something appeals to me. I can't fathom it ... but it sounds pleasant.

But if I do ... please let me remember to stay to one side or the other, so others who are trying to fit too much stuff in too small a time-frame have room to pass me, instead of clenching their jaw as they are forced into unwelcome-leisure as they dawdle behind me.

Anyhow ... yep ... I'm glad I can do most of my shopping online. :)

(and I'm sure anyone who would be stuck in the same environment with me is also very glad to NOT have me there!)


Clifford Jeffery said...

Cliff knew exactly what you were going to say!! Very funny stuff!

Trinka said...

they truly were gathered in a circle, with carts ringed around them ... just like a wagon train. :) I wondered if they were going to pull out and caravan over to the pet department to pan for gold in the fish tanks. :)