Saturday, November 22, 2008

a book-keeper for Christmas ...

The church treasurer came in yesterday and wanted to meet with me.

Gulp ... OK ... is this the "we can't afford to pay you this week" talk?

He said they were bringing on a part-time book-keeper to take over that aspect of my job.

woo hoo! This is me doing the happy dance!

I'd told them at my annual review that the workload had been getting heavier, and that eventually I would need help. I was just thinking of setting up a schedule for volunteers to handle receptionist tasks.

Instead ... they relieved me of my most-hated duty! The money stuff wasn't really part of my job as I started, but gradually got added in. Now I can pass it off to someone who's actually trained to do it properly, and loves it.

The lady who's taking it over is one who I've worked with before. She often subs for me when I'm out of town, and we work well together. She's organized, and LOVES money and numbers.

I'm just thrilled!

The poor treasurer ... he was trying to be SO careful not to hurt my feelings. I'm SO not hurt, that I can't even begin to express it. :) :)

1 comment:

Bob's Blog said...

congratulations! an early Christmas present for you!