Wednesday, October 08, 2008

bored with the board

After last night's condo meeting, I decided that I'm just not condo-board material. (as opposed to board material, which would be wood, which, I'm not either, but I digress.)

Our condo board meetings are a picture of ineffectiveness if I've ever seen one. There are long, drawn-out conversations that have nothing to do with board business. And often these same conversations are repeated, almost verbatim, at every meeting.

(For instance, we have a rule on our bylaws against leaving trucks parked outside the building overnight. At every meeting, there is discussion as to why this rule exists, and whether vans and SUVs constitute "trucks.") No resolution is ever achieved, or attempted. It just seems to be a ritual pet-topic.

I'm a non-leader down to my bones, but the aimlessness of these meetings is such that I find myself pushing them forward, demanding answers, requesting the next agenda item, etc. Then I get home, grinding my teeth and clenching my jaw.

So, after last night's demonstration of inefficiency, I am going to tender my resignation. I'm tired of being infuriated by these gatherings!

I'll just write my monthly check, and consider that the extent of my contribution to the community!


Clifford Jeffery said...

Hey, at least they gave you some good blog fodder! =)

Rachel L said...

Oh, now I see why we have trouble getting young people to stay on our board.

Trinka said...

Hmmm ... if your meetings are like I described, then, yes, that's why young people don't stay with it.

Most of us have a lot on our schedules, and don't view meetings as social times, but rather get-things-done times, so we want to get to business, and get it finished.

Clifford Jeffery said...

Your brother said, "ahhh, just what the board was waiting for...." LOL!!!! You love him so mcuh, huh? =)

Trinka said...

He is probably RIGHT. :)