Wednesday, January 03, 2007

announcements you rarely hear ...

unless there is a presidential funeral being held in your town ...

"Please turn off your car alarms, so the vibrations from the cannons won't set them off."


Carol L said...

Will be sure and note that for future reference should a presidential funeral occur in my neck of the woods...

Happy New Year Trinka!!!

Long time no speak. But you have been on my mind. Just wanted you to know.

Love ya!!!
Carol :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Trinka,

We didn't get any car alarm alerts down here in Hopkins but at 3am in the morning I was having a heck of a time figuring out what the odd noise was. I spend the morning wondering what new equipment the dairy farm next door had put in now. Later in the day we realized it was the fighter jets. It was cool for the first dozen times. After that - not so much.