Thursday, September 07, 2006

I know it makes no sense ...

But Dan installed a wireless router here at work, and now my computer has no sound.

Everything's plugged in ... all the settings are right ... just no sound.

Ah, the mysteries of life.

On the exercise front, I got a good long time on the treadmill last night, and enjoyed it immensely. A friend loaned me some peppy music, and it's quite energy-giving! I also found out that the condo has our "exercise room" (previously known as "storage closet") wired so we can put treadmills down there now. I haven't been able to use mine in the morning or at night, less I annoy my upstairs and downstairs neighbors. But this windowless little basement cell should allow for a nice workout any time of day (provided claustrophobia doesn't get me first!). :)

I've been reading in Psalm 139 in preparation for our Thursday night ladies' study starting up again in a week. No thoughts to share just yet, but I'd be interested to hear yours!

1 comment:

Carol L said...

Well, one thought I have is that reading Psalm 139 should be enough to convince any God-fearing woman that cosmetic surgery is nothing more than a waste of time, money, and - what's more major is - God's creative genius!