Sunday, September 17, 2006

know what?

If you loaf all day, and go to bed at 8:00 p.m. ...

You wake up at 2:00 a.m. Fascinating. :)

And I DID loaf all day - I've had quite a busy month - company for 3 weekends, and one trip to see my dad & step-mom in PA. Yesterday (or today? ... whatever Saturday would be in this context), I just crashed.

I did make it to the gym, but other than moving some furniture and doing a load or two of laundry, that's ALL I got done. Feeling slightly guilty, but also very well rested.

I'm enjoying reading Mission to the Headhunters by Frank Drown. He's coming to speak at our church in November, so I wanted to have read his book first. He and his wife have been life-long missionaries, and he headed up the search party that found the missionaries who were killed by the Auca indians in 1956. (Jim Elliott, Nate Saint, Roger Youdarian, Peter Flemming, Ed McCully).

Well ... back to my book. :)

1 comment:

Carol L said...

I made a concerted effort once to pass by the opportunity to feel guilty for neglecting the never-ending-busy-work in favor of serious fellowship with my pillow whenever I've been going so hard for so long I'm pooped! I liked it so much I decided to stick with it and make room for it in my life on an as-needed basis. Now I just make a decision that this is the agenda for the weekend, and the other stuff will get done when it does. I still like it! I hope you'll try it yourself some time!