Thursday, January 26, 2006

what on earth are you doing up at 3:30 a.m.?

This is the question that I asked myself repeatedly last night ... unfortunately no answer was forthcoming! :)

But I was able to praise the Lord for how different this late-night wakefulness was when compared to instances in the past.

God has used "Love thinketh no evil" (or the converse ... "love thinks the best") from 1 Cor. 13 to make such a change in my thinking. And every now and then I get a picture of that change that's a blessing to me.

There was a season, not so many years ago, where I would be awake all night often, with my mind chasing around various perceived offenses, and re-writing conversations fromt that day, making scripts for the next day that I never seemed to have opportunity to use!

But God so graciously brought me out of that season of bitterness and hardness of heart, and last night was so different. Though I'd still prefer sleeping at night, the only monologue I had to listen to early this morning was,

"close your eyes you goofball ... or tomorrow is going to be a LONG day."

Well, today IS going to be a long day, but at least it doesn't carry with it the hang-over of a night spent wallowing in sinful thinking.

God is so good.

Exercise report: nothing yesterday. Prayer meeting makes Wednesdays a tough day to fit it in ... often I do, but yesterday I didn't. Tonight, I hope to do pilates after Bible study.


1 comment:

Carol L said...

Pilates is my favorite official form of exercise (I prefer to get mine dancing to CD's, gardening, etc.)

What an amazing and glorious God He is to not only set us free from bitterness and various forms of sinful thinking but to also put the desire in us not to hold onto that stuff.