Tuesday, August 14, 2007

bringing out the vigilante in me

I'm a pretty passive sort of person.

Until ...

I'm on a highway with one lane closed for construction.

There's nothing that enrages my sense of frustrated justice like having people go whizzing past a whole line of people, and cutting in line just before the highway narrows down.

Today I found myself driving straddling both lanes, clenching my teeth. One fellow drove on the shoulder to get past me, and then tried to nudge in front of me.


Not gonna happen.

I was prepared to DIE on that hill.

I parked my front bumper an inch off the back bumper of the pickup in front of me, and refused to move.

Weird. Just ... weird.

Weird because - don't they realize they're causing the whole line of cars to have to slow down for them, because they weren't willing to wait their turn (a skill, I believe, most of us learned in Kindergarten, if we hadn't gotten it before that.)

But also weird, because ... why am I making this my personal crusade? There just seems to be far more significant issues I could choose.

Speaking of crusades, I heard a quote from Hillary Clinton this afternoon, mentioning that the government doesn't care about daycare for single moms, and health care.

My question is. WHY do we expect the government to fix this stuff? I just don't get it.

Families, and churches, and communities are SO much better equipped, yet they've ceded the responsibility, and the government has picked it up, and we've passively let it happen. To the point that now, it seems taken-for-granted that the government is the best institution to solve these issues.

A radical change of thinking is needed in that regard, and it needs to START by the family, and the church, and the community re-claiming the responsibility to meet the needs of our own.

OK, end of rant. SEE - I knew there were issues I wanted to blog about. :)

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