Saturday, June 30, 2007

one of the problems of staying up late ...

Is you spend the night dreaming about taking a college class taught by a woman dressed as a viking.

weird ...

Friday, June 29, 2007

look at the silly American try to say "firefly" ...

Several weeks ago, I met the sweetest little Chinese girl. I was staying with friends in Missouri (who speak Chinese), and they are caring for A., who is pre-school age, and speaks no English.

She is an adorable girl -- very obedient, and quite happy to socialize with adults, even though she doesn't understand a word of what they're saying.

I got to see her experience her first field-full of fireflies. She was enthralled.

Her care-giver taught her the Chinese word for firefly (which I won't even ATTEMPT to type out phonetically).

THEN, D. who was traveling with me repeated the word.

Little A. gave the most bubbly giggle you've ever heard! Our hostess said that D.'s pronunciation sounded a great deal like she was trying to talk with a tennis ball in her mouth.

So little A. ... while enthralled with the fireflies, was even MORE absorbed by this strange woman who couldn't say the simplest word properly!

For the rest of the trip, A. would point at D., and say "firefly", and then burst into these contagious giggles. She even seemed to be making a vain attempt at teaching the proper pronunciation ... without success. She would pull D. over to others, and get her to say "firefly", so they could share in the hilarity. (Though, since most of them were ALSO non-Chinese-speaking, they didn't really catch the true spirit of the thing.)

It was adorable!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

my favorite pictures so far

It amazes me that these men are working up that high without being TIED to anything.

construction progressing


I'm so enjoying watching the addition go up outside my windows at work!
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Monday, June 25, 2007

happy anniversary to me ...

Some people have wedding anniversaries, I have buying-my-condo anniversaries.

June 25, 2003 was when I closed on my place.

It's the biggest commitment I've ever made (or am every likely to make), so I think an anniversary celebration is in order.

I just may have to buy the place some flowers. :)

Wish I'd done it a decade earlier!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

it sounds so June Cleaver

I love cleaning my house. I really do. There's something so relaxing about waking up on a Saturday morning, and knowing I have nothing more pressing than just to get this place in order.

All week, I try to solve problems, and help people find what they need. It's so refreshing on my day off to be able to be all alone, just dealing with cobwebs and dust bunnies.

I made a neat discovery yesterday - you can use a "reader" to subscribe to the blogs you read regularly. (I use Google's). Then you can open one page, and it will show you a list of whatever blogs you like that have been updated since you last read them. Kinda snazzy!

Tonight, I'll be going to the offroad derby at the Hudsonville Fairgrounds with T. I find them so relaxing, and they offer a nice chance to visit too.

Friday, June 22, 2007

what a sweet blog

To counter my oh-so-negative last post ... here's neat story about a dad taking his handicapped daughter jet-skiing. Love it!


an interesting idea ...

Long Island couple face fines, jail because children play too loudly

I love it!

Now, I understand that children will be noisy when they're playing ... and to a degree, it's understandable.

But the shrieking that just goes on, and on, and ON ... I can't fathom how parents stand it themselves, let alone not realize that it is making the rest of the world homicidal.

I have a pool that belongs to my condo ... yet I often drive 5 miles to use our pastor's pool ... because ours has shrieking grand-children and his is silent!

More power to the anti-shrieking protesters!!


Friday, June 15, 2007

for all those who are de-cluttering this weekend ...

For some weeks now I have been engaged in dispersing the contents of this
apartment, trying to persuade hundreds of inanimate objects to scatter
and leave me alone. It is not a simple matter. I am impressed by the
reluctance of one's worldly goods to go out again into the world.

From Goodbye to 48th Street, E.B. White
(the fellow who wrote Charlotte's Web and Stewart Little)

what are your "morning coffee" web sites

Every morning, as soon as I turn on the computer, I have a little list of things I always look at:

The Drudge Report for my daily dose of news-that-the-networks-ignore

The Daily Puppy for pictures of the sweetest puppies you've ever seen. And I love the "comments" section -- it's the only web site I've ever visited where all the comments emphasize the positive, are kind, and pleasant. Even if I didn't like dogs, I'd go to the site, just for the taste of kindness!

Three comic strips:
For Better or for Worse

Woot ... just in case they're selling something I NEED ("need" being a poor word choice there!)

Several blogs of friends, or friends of friends

And Meet Christians ... just to see if there are any interesting discussions on the forums that I want to go back to later that day.

Nation States, to check on the progress of my little country (Euphoniousness, if you want to look me up!). It's a fun little game where you have your own little nation-state to rule, and every day you have new legislation to view - your responses to it change the description of your country, as well as its population and tax rate, the next day.

How about you? What web sites are your "morning coffee"?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

in the land of weird dreams

We had vacation Bible school here at church from 9-2 yesterday. Being as I took Monday and Tuesday as vacation days, it was my first experience this year with trying to work amidst 220 happy children, and 100 busy workers.

Yes. I remember this feeling.

This, "I'm glad this is happening, but I can't get my work done" feeling!

Last night, instead of going to prayer meeting, I came home, went for a swim, and was in bed asleep by 7:30!

This led to some mighty weird dreams. I vividly recall that I thought peanut butter was on sale, and so bought it for a cheap price, but then I got put in jail, because the cheap price only applied if you bought jelly WITH the peanut butter.

Jail was, all in all, a lot like living in a college dorm, and they even let me keep my laptop, and there was wireless internet access. :) I was concerned that I'd be in jail over Christmas, and I was trying to count the days of my sentence to see if it lasted until December 25 ... but I couldn't figure out whether to include weekends, and so the math didn't make sense.

Weird ... just weird ...

I've finished memorizing Psalm 16, and am enjoying reviewing it while I swim in the evenings! Anyone got any suggestions for which Psalm I should do next?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

an encounter with The Plant

Where have I been lately? Hmmm ... lots of places I suppose!

One of said places ... apparently ... contained some poison ivy. Yes, yes, I know what it looks like. I was just working with a friend (who ... apparently ... is not allergic to the stuff), in a place she'd worked many times before. Her history bore no trace of meetings with The Plant, and this lulled me into complacency, so I failed to exercise due caution!

All in all, I'm not in THAT bad of shape, just having the rash on my arms. But it was bad enough to make me very thankful it wasn't worse. In the course of things, I discovered a marvelous situation. If you use a blow dryer on poison ivy, it takes the itch away, for a VERY long time -- more than an entire day in some cases. This was a delightful revelation! I never use my blow dryer on my hair, but I'm becoming VERY thankful that I have one.

I've been memorizing Psalm 16, and it's been a blessing. I don't know why I don't work on memorization more often -- I really enjoy it. Good habits need to be built!