Saturday, November 26, 2005

now THAT's the way to promote education!

An anonymous person has just donated college scholarships to every graduate of the Kalamazoo (Michigan) public schools.

It is so neat to see someone being generous like this, with no public recognition ... and the thought of how many lives will be changed as a result is just glorious!

In contrast, a lady whose blog I read is recommending that we do this:

This week, Congress will decide how much America will contribute toward an
important international effort called the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and
Malaria.Let’s keep up the positive pressure: Please email Congress today and ask
their support for $100 million in the Labor-HHS Appropriations Bill for the
Global Fund-- an effort that fights back against three killer diseases and
encourages other countries to do their share. "

Now ... if each person who e-mails their congressperson with this request would, instead, contribute money to meeting these needs ... think how much more productive they would be!

It's easier to demand that the government confiscate funds and channel them ... but the amount of beauracracy waste getting the money there, and the lack of accountability from those receiving the money is staggering.

Rather than having the government confiscate $1 of my money, and getting .10 to the needed area ... which will then be squandered by corrupt management. Why not let me give the whole $1 to an organization I've researched and trust that's meeting a need about which I'm passionate?

"Rich people won't do that ... they want to keep their money" the cynics say. OK. Then what's this going on in Kalamazoo, I ask?

In other news ... when home for Thanksgiving, my mom showed me her snazzy new handgun. Yep. Handgun. She's going to classes for a concealed-carry permit. "Calm in crises situations" is not exactly a phrase that comes to mind when I think of my mother ... but maybe a bit of firepower will encourage it. Find it all very hard to picture.

I did, however, request some handling-guns-safely, how-to-shoot-the-thing lessons from my step-dad this summer - I'm ignorant about guns, and I dislike having broad areas of ignorance (except of course ignorance of professional sports, which I actively cultivate.) :)

Cozied up house-sitting at T's house watching her cat, and soaking up the free internet today.


1 comment:

Carol L said...

That picture of your mom and a handgun is funny one!

I grew up around guns. I have to be careful who I say that around out here in the land of squeemish stomachs, aka, California. And there is a brain synapse factor that comes into play if I tell the truth of the matter. When that synapse fires I basically become Jethro Bodine who underwent a certain type of operation. But whad'dya want? In certain parts of the country, it just ain't no big thang, ya know?

But, yeah, at least 2 rifles were at every door of the house, and about 50 other assorted rifles mixed in with a few handguns here and there were just a part of the decor. And beyond that they were stashed here, under there; that's right, they were pert'near everywhere!

I've no idea how they did it, but I had 0% curiousity and 0% interest in exploring those little black sticks that were all around me. I mean, I got into absolutely every nook and cranny of absolutely everthing else. Oh, and if you told me what not to do you can believe I'd find a way to do it, yet I still steered clear of the guns. When I was finally old enough to learn to handle guns I still had a very healthy respect - if not downright bone-chilling fear - for the power of them. So...kudos to my late daddy who definitely knew what he was doing when it came to owning and handling guns.

I'd certainly like to know now what it is that Dad did to instill this in me. He'd be the first to tell you I had an argument against absolutely everything he said. If he said black I said white. I'm glad for heaven, but it certainly can be inconvenient when someone decides to up and relocate there, ya know? I run into these inconveniences still after all these years. I don't know everything he knew, and I'd surely like to be able to pick his brain on this and a number of other matters.

And, yeah, when God was going about the business of establishing governments in the earth, He never intended for these governments to handle the social and moral ills of society - much less be mama and papa teaching their children, feeding and clothing them and putting shoes on their feet. No, that's why He calls Himself Father, and He sent Jesus to raise up for Himself a church to handle all that.

Love ya,
Carol :)