There had been complaints, you see.
"What," you may ask, "could they have possibly been complaining about regarding Miss-Conservative-with-no-discernible-life?"
Let me enlighten you ...
My balcony is open on two sides, and the third side is a brick wall, that is part of the building.
A few years ago, I put a mirror on that wall, with curtains on either side, so it would look like a window. Like this:
Well ... you see ... this apparently had become a problem. Because, you see ... the curtains? They were BLOWING OVER THE RAILING.
No, really. They were! And this was a serious problem. (please don't ask me why this was a serious problem. I don't know.)
This was serious enough that someone felt compelled to approach the management about their concerns.
So, a sheepish building-manager asked me if I would please contain my rebellious curtains, so as not to distress too-much-time-on-her-hands woman. :)
I took down the curtains ... and I pondered what best to do ...
Following is what I chose, and what I put up last night:
What do you think? They are very long, and tied down at the bottom, so as to contain the offensive curtain-blowing. :)
I am a bad woman. I am a bad, passive-aggressive woman. (Though, for the record, the original passive-aggressive move was made by picky-condo-person who went to the management, rather than speaking to me directly.
Don't know how long I'll be able to stand these curtains. They aren't violating any association rules (nor were the original set!). They are so loud, it's almost difficult to sleep. :) But I thought ... for a little while ... I'd let them stay.
I think you need to put up the old ones and let come over with my industrial fan. You can watch the little red haired girl come out to play with the neighbors.
I don't know what this:
You can watch the little red haired girl come out to play with the neighbors.
means ...
If it's a pop culture reference ... I'm lost. :)
who do you think left you the message?
Hard telling! Most of my family members from the previous generation post as "anonymous" because they don't know how to create an account. And so do people from church who are from that generation.
So it's either one of them, or a stranger who's sitting on top of the carport staring through my window with binoculars and posting to Blogger from an I-phone.
So ... that narrows it down some. :)
I can't believe you don't remember me as you always tell me you love my red hair.
ah ... I'm betting I know who you are now. Is this the owner of cruise-director-cat? :)
might be...Hunter says Hello
The building manager came last night to ask me to take them down. I suggested that, since it's not a rule violation, he tell the complaining-women to come and speak with me directly. :) We'll see ...
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