Sunday, November 08, 2009

Considering selling my library

Just thinking "what ifs" today.

I have a 900 volume library. It appears that many of these books are available for the Barnes & Noble e-reader. Some free ... some $3-10 range.

If I started transferring these books to the reader, and selling the hard copies, I could gain an enormous amount of space in my world, and all-the-time access to my books.

I like the pretty covers, that's true ... but I'm thinking I like less-stuff-to-dust even more.

Pondering ...


Anonymous said...

what if your e-reader crashes in 10 years and free books aren't so readily available? Well let us know when your sale is?

Trinka said...

Hmmm ... maybe I'm going to live dangerously? :) (Now there's a new one for me!)

I'll probably put the books I decide to sell up on Ebay.

Trinka said...

Besides ... if "Anonymous" is Lois ... you like Deb's books better than mine anyway. :)