Friday, June 26, 2009

things we're not good at

I was thinking about music today.

Whatever the music gene is, I missed out on it. I don't hear the intricacies that other people hear, or the relationships.

I tried combating this problem with education (as I try to combat MOST problems!) I took piano lessons and voice lessons. I bought a guitar and tutorial material. I read beginner theory books. I actually know a good deal about music, except for the fundamental "something" that most people seem born with.

When I explained this to a musical person, he took it to mean "Trinka doesn't like music."

Actually I do like it. Sometimes I think I enjoy it MORE than musical folks, or at least in a different way, because many imperfections just don't register with me.

I remember reading an article once that said Americans don't dabble well. We either excel at something, or (more commonly), we sit on the couch like a lump. I'm quite good at the lumpish-sitting actually, so I might qualify at excellence with that, but that's not the point.

Just thinking tonight about how thankful I am for the opportunity to TRY things, to be bad at them, and enjoy them anyway.

Not sure I've captured this thought, but ... it's worth what you paid for it, I suppose. :) (another thing done badly ... but at least done!)

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