Sunday, January 04, 2009

Trinka, the passive-agressive note writer ...

I have called my upstairs neighbor a few times to remind him of the quiet hours, and ask him to turn things down. (Christmas night at 11:15, and last night at 10:15.)

I thought that the quiet hours began at 10:00, but this morning, he had taped a copy of the bylaws to my door, and it says they begin at 10:30. (which he circled.)

OK. Fair enough.

But I also noticed that they START at 8:00 a.m. I had thought it was 9:00.

I left a note on HIS door this morning (since it seems he'd rather communicate through passive agressive notes, than picking up his phone).

I told him that, thanks to his kind information, I now realized it was 10:30. I also mentioned that I'd discovered my error about the morning hours ... how delighted I was to see that it was actually 8:00 a.m. I said that I was taking note of both times, and I thanked him for letting me know.


Clifford Jeffery said...

Oh Trinka. =)

Trinka said...

What? :)

Just because I wake up early? Maybe I'll want to vacuum ... or listen to music, or use a belt sander.

Clifford Jeffery said...

We got a great laugh over this!!!!

Trinka said...

Laughing at me? Just because I'm industrious?

Why, if I didn't have neighbors on the OTHER sides who are thoughtful, I might invest in a REALLY loud alarm clock. Nothing like a fire siren going off at 5:00 a.m. to get one's blood moving. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm going to be passive aggressive by saying just this much.

Clifford Jeffery said...

That reminds me of this alarm clock someone brought to band camp. It was a wolf. When the alarm sounds the wolf started moving and singing LOUDLY, "Hey, Hey! Dontcha know it's time to get up so we can get DOOOOOOWWWWWWNNNNN!" And it would repeat. Over and Over and .....
Just a thought =)