Saturday, September 20, 2008

amazon doesn't know what to make of me ...

I started my Christmas shopping this week. I know ... it's ridiculously early, but I find I make wiser decisions if I'm not doing it quickly, and I also find I enjoy Christmas more if the shopping is done before the busy-ness starts!

Anyhow, all that is to say ... Amazon is desperately trying to make recommendations according to my previous buying habits.

However, I've had one friend ask me to order power tools for her (she doesn't like shopping online.) I use my personal account to order books for the church where I work. I buy gifts for the adorable-nieces. Then there is my own stuff.

So ...

Amazon recommends power tools, and children's games, and deep theological books, and the occasional pretty necklace.

I'm almost tempted to throw in the occasional order for really cheap, random stuff, just to confuse their computers even more. :)

1 comment:

Rachel L said...

Yes, yes, confuse the computers! They confuse me all the time!