Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Condensed version of last night's condo meeting

Building Manager: We will be investigating whether switching our pool to salt instead of chlorine will save us money, ...

Resident: Why does the pool cost so much? Have we considered switching to salt water? (This question was asked more than once by more than one person.)

Building Manager: These white notebooks will be put in wall pockets by the maintenance room. If you ever need to find a shut-off valve, this has all your information. ...

Resident: Where will those books be? .... Do they have information on shut off valves in them?

Building Manager: We will have a pest removal service dealing with the bats in the attics of buildings A and B. After the attics are sealed, the pest service will go up in the attics to make sure there are no remaining bats and clean up the mess.

BOARD MEMBER: (I'm not kidding - even the board members weren't paying attention!) What if there are bats trapped up there? Will anyone check on that?

Building Manager: We will be closing the fire doors in the buildings, to help protect people if there is a fire. We've always left them open in the past, but this isn't safe.

Resident: Will someone tell us which doors are fire doors?

Building Manager: The steel doors are fire doors.

Resident: But will there be signs on them?

Does NOBODY listen and comprehend basic information?

I brought a book along because I know the meetings go like this, and even THEN, I was able to understand what was being said. Granted, often the questions were separated by a span of 2-3 minutes from the original declaration. But ... really ...


Clifford Jeffery said...

Can we say exercise in futility? LOL! That is truly horrible!

Rachel L said...

At least I usually wait a week before I ask those questions. Sometimes I only wait two days.