However, there's enough I can tell that it will easily make a blog entry!
Tuesday our church voted on whether to build on an addition for a larger sanctuary. We've been packed to the gills for a LONG time now. Several times we've approached the idea of adding on, and then balked at the cost. But this week the decision was made to go forward. What was a blessing was the vote -- 141 to 7 in favor of beginning. So many churches split during building programs, and we've been praying that the Lord would give us unity in the decision ... whether to go forward or not ... just so we were in agreement. I think 95.3% is about as close to complete agreement as you could expect to see!
On a less corporate level ... I was blessed with some lovely flowers. A lady at church works for a commercial greenhouse, and her job is to shear the geraniums of all their flowers, and put them in baskets. (I'm assuming so they'll get bushier? Maybe?) I think she feels quite bad for all the flowers going to waste. Yesterday she brought me this pretty bunch.
And lastly, I've been thinking of putting down laminate flooring in my condo. I had a contractor from church come out and look at things this week. I was shocked that the cost was about double what I'd thought it would be. Gulp!
So afterwards, I was sitting at my desk, with floor samples spread out around me as I worked.
One of the deacons walked past.
"What are the samples for?" he asked.
"I was thinking of using it in my house."
"Really? I've got a ton of that stuff somebody gave me. Want to have a look at it?"
Well ... YES! :)
"Maybe you won't like it, but if you do, you can have it."
"I like it already!" FREE is my favorite style of laminate.
He doesn't have enough to do all that needs done (I need 450 square feet for the main area). But, hopefully I can buy something that matches what he has, and then I'll only need to pay for that and for installation. It's been through a fire, so I'll have to pull the padding off the back, before it can be used. But I think I can manage that quite nicely.
Lastly, yesterday I went down to a banquet at the Christian school I graduated from. (Note to my brother ... lots of folks asked about you.) I have my 20th class reunion this year, so it was interesting to see how the school, and the people, have changed! It was a good evening. A friend went down with me, so there was good visiting in the car going down, and coming back. A very nice evening.